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Forums/ Product Highlights and Announcements
2023-11-14 15:27:57
Re:Interested in Joining the TP-Link Beta Program?
I tried sign up even after i seect canada it wont let put the forum id in *on ontario where i live in canada there tplink office in markham part of toronto where i live yes i very much like test...
Forums/ Product Highlights and Announcements
2023-06-14 21:04:01
Re:Interested in Joining the TP-Link Beta Program?
@US_Beta yes am interested joining the tplink bets testing program mesh routers wifi 7 routers 10 gb 100 gb switches am a computer tech that deplys tplink to my clients would like work with tplink
Forums/ Product Highlights and Announcements
2023-05-17 18:09:36
Re:Interested in Joining the TP-Link Beta Program?
Am tony Peters from Toronto Ontario Canada looking to become a beta tester for tplink products
Forums/ Product Highlights and Announcements
2023-05-17 17:59:00
Re:Interested in Joining the TP-Link Beta Program?
@US_Beta I would like to join tplink beta program