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Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
2023-07-26 02:30:54
Re:My Kasa switch stopped working
@Wayne-TP Might want to check your logic there. I explicitly called tech support before I purchased all my Kasa's. I was told the LED limit is not "equivalent" wattage, but rated. Meaning 4 "60 watt"...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Plugs
2023-07-26 02:14:45
Re:EP10's Keep Failing. Is There A Plug That's Reliable?
@justdave Things I can tell you: Kasa: 1) Most times failure to configure them seems to come back to user error and or W--Fi issues. Eg: Many IOT things don't like sharing an SSID w/5g and 2.4ghz...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Plugs
2023-07-24 00:09:29
Re:EP10's Keep Failing. Is There A Plug That's Reliable?
Politely, that’s an incredibly useless answer. Are you able to not sound like an india based help desk and actually answer any of the questions? Btw, your warranty process is so obnoxious I’m certain...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
2023-07-19 20:44:35
Re:My Kasa switch stopped working
@pitosalas I use Feit and Kasa, my son used Leviton. The Levitons are rock solid, the Feits are not too great about dimming and flickering, while the Kasa's failure rate over time is starting to look...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
2023-07-19 19:45:54
Re:Light stays on after turning switch off
@Chancleta Chance Are the lights showing as "off" in the app but still on, or "on" in the app but still off? Does the switch physically physically work? Increasingly I'm of the opinions that the...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
2023-07-19 16:47:41
Re:hs210 3 way switch in 4 way circuit
You can make Feit switch dimmers work in a 4 way with some mild wiring creativity using 1 dimmer and 2 passive switches. Otherwise the Leviton Decora stuff works and gives you dimming at each...