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Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
2022-01-04 04:16:20
Re:KS230 Blinks red after firmware update (not working anymore)
Thanks, @PHATMartz! I was able to use the download you provided to downgrade my KS230 to the previous firmware. Here are some things to note (also listed in the included Word file): - Make sure you...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
2022-01-02 04:26:54
Re:KS230 Blinks red after firmware update (not working anymore)
@PHATMartz Thanks for the reassurance on that. Glad to hear you're back up. I did email support at the address they provided you on their response to your original post. Hopefully, the downgrade...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
2022-01-02 01:48:25
Re:KS230 Blinks red after firmware update (not working anymore)
I can confirm I am having the same exact issue. Looks like a firmware update last night and then a blinking red main switch all day today. Neither the main or remote switch have any effect on the...