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Forums/ Kasa Smart Bulbs
2021-03-08 19:27:31
Re:KL130 won't respond to pings, blinks, responds to 2-3 pings, rinse, repeat
@xpanmanx Are you running homebridge? I narroed it down to my main server. WHen I disable the homebridge service, the bulb reacts fine to the Kasa app. as soon as I re-enable the homebridge service,...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Bulbs
2021-03-07 17:40:52
Re:KL130 won't respond to pings, blinks, responds to 2-3 pings, rinse, repeat
@xpanmanx thanks for the detailed info. My network is a mishmash of old hardware running different services. Everything routes through a Netgear R6700, but it doesn't handle anything else except a...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Bulbs
2021-03-07 05:35:41
Re:KL130 won't respond to pings, blinks, responds to 2-3 pings, rinse, repeat
@xpanmanx do you run your own DNS and/or DHCP server? I hooked up an old router running ddwrt and setup a basic network with DHCP and using for the DNS server. I paired the bulb with this...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Bulbs
2021-03-07 03:02:54
Re:KL130 won't respond to pings, blinks, responds to 2-3 pings, rinse, repeat
@xpanmanx so here's a fun twist. I got a replacement KL130 v2 from Amazon today and it's doing the exact same thing. Meanwhile my 3 KL130 v1 bulbs are fine. I'm going to take a deep(er) dive in to...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Bulbs
2021-03-05 14:16:26
Re:KL130 won't respond to pings, blinks, responds to 2-3 pings, rinse, repeat
@xpanmanx I don't think so, I haven't done any firmware updates since I got them. I actually got the v1 working last night, so now I just have a v2 that's jacked. Turns out I'm 1 day shy of the...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Bulbs
2021-03-05 00:05:06
Re:KL130 won't respond to pings, blinks, responds to 2-3 pings, rinse, repeat
@xpanmanx I am having the exact same situation as you have described. I have 4 KL130s (3x v1 and 1x v2) and 2 of them (at separate times) have decided to go belly up. One of them is v1, one v2 I was...