smart bulb 5 months old - suddenly very dim
smart bulb 5 months old - suddenly very dim
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I have four of these smart bulbs that I bought from Amazon almost 5 months ago, and suddenly one of them turned very dim today. It functions normally, but burns very dim, even at 100 percent. At one percent, you can hardly see it burning. And, when you turn it off, (even at the switch) it goes out very slowly. I reset the bulb, and even tried it in different locations in the house. But, no different. Is it toast after just five months?
Hardware Version :
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I have four of these smart bulbs that I bought from Amazon almost 5 months ago, and suddenly one of them turned very dim today. It functions normally, but burns very dim, even at 100 percent. At one percent, you can hardly see it burning. And, when you turn it off, (even at the switch) it goes out very slowly. I reset the bulb, and even tried it in different locations in the house. But, no different. Is it toast after just five months?