Lack of continuity between versions of devices
In my opinion, it is unacceptable to offer a vast array of products and NOT allow the user to select a photo to identify each item. For Smart Switches, it depends on what version you have as to the ability to assign a photo to the switch for easy identification. I believe this is an oversight and not a problem of functional capability.
Hey Kasa, if you want to encourage people to buy more of your products, make the full functionality of the app available to all products! Imagine the frustration of a customer (like me) who just bought 5 smart dimmer switches, of the current version, with the lates version of the app, and cannot assign a photo. My frustration is due to the fact that I've owned several Kasa smart switches for several years, and they allow photo assignment (in settings, customize icon, albmu) but the brand new switches do not. This is absolutely rediculous. I've installed two of the five smart switches I bought and considering returning all of them for this reason.
How about making all customers happy and want them to return for more products by modifying the software to allow ALL devices to add a photo? It cannot be that hard. Then, followup by notifying all customers with an update notification, advising them of the change. Tell them it was from feedback so they'll be more inclined to provide in the future.
Good companies develop good products. Great companies develop great products AND use intuition and customer feedback in the process. Come on Kasa, don't you want to be a great company?