WiFi setup when not using encryption or broadcasting SSID
WiFi setup when not using encryption or broadcasting SSID
Model :
Hardware Version :
Firmware Version :
I run my WiFi open(no password), but use MAC address authentication and do not broadcast mySSID. The Kasa app requires one of thethree types of encryption. The TP-Link supportsite offers a firmware upgrade that is supposed to fix this if you enable SSIDbroadcast during the provisioning process and then turn it off after the unithas associated with the WiFI. I couldnot make this work and had to set up a second SSID on my AP the uses WPA in orderto get it set up and keep it on the network. You can only run the Kasa app on iOS (iPhone) or Android (phone oetablet w/GPS), but the firmware upgrade is a Windows based program that flashesthe unit, so you need a Windows system connected to your WiFi in order to applythe updates. I found no mention of thisin the support article. I used an Androidtablet to provision the HS100s and discovered that they want to record yourlocation with the unit profile and since my Tablet does not have GPS, I have tolook up my Lat. & Long. in order to finish the setup.
This is a nice piece of hardware, but the firmware and provisioningsoftware were implemented with too many assumptions about the operationalenvironment. I suspect this may causesome folks to give up on it before they get it set up.
Hardware Version :
Firmware Version :
I run my WiFi open(no password), but use MAC address authentication and do not broadcast mySSID. The Kasa app requires one of thethree types of encryption. The TP-Link supportsite offers a firmware upgrade that is supposed to fix this if you enable SSIDbroadcast during the provisioning process and then turn it off after the unithas associated with the WiFI. I couldnot make this work and had to set up a second SSID on my AP the uses WPA in orderto get it set up and keep it on the network. You can only run the Kasa app on iOS (iPhone) or Android (phone oetablet w/GPS), but the firmware upgrade is a Windows based program that flashesthe unit, so you need a Windows system connected to your WiFi in order to applythe updates. I found no mention of thisin the support article. I used an Androidtablet to provision the HS100s and discovered that they want to record yourlocation with the unit profile and since my Tablet does not have GPS, I have tolook up my Lat. & Long. in order to finish the setup.
This is a nice piece of hardware, but the firmware and provisioningsoftware were implemented with too many assumptions about the operationalenvironment. I suspect this may causesome folks to give up on it before they get it set up.