Camera Display Text allowed characters
Could you please allow the use of characters other than 0-9, a-z, A-Z, hyphens, and spaces? I'm specifically interested in the period/decimal point character being added, as I would like to have the camera's latitude and longitude displayed under the timestamp using decimal notation.
Currently I'm having to use a space in place of the decimal point like so: 40 7487 -73 9856
When ideally it should be formatted like this using a decimal point: 40.7487 -73.9856
Also, is there any reason for the 16 character limit for that field? The timestamp is capable of displaying at least 19 characters, as well as the period/decimal point, colon, and forward slash characters. It would be nice if the Display Text field were also 19 characters long and was capable of the same special characters (along with a comma as well)