
Update light settings (color, temperature, brightness) without affecting on/off state


Update light settings (color, temperature, brightness) without affecting on/off state

Update light settings (color, temperature, brightness) without affecting on/off state
Update light settings (color, temperature, brightness) without affecting on/off state
2025-01-13 06:58:56
Model: Kasa KL125  
Hardware Version: V3
Firmware Version:

Request for smart action that can adjust a bulb's settings (color, brightness, and temperature) without affecting the on/off state of the bulb.


Currently the "Set Lighting" option under the smart actions allows adjusting any of the bulb parameters,  but this will also turn the light ON if it is currently in an "OFF" state.


The idea is that - you may want to have the light brightness set to 5% (or change the color or set the bulb to circadian rhythm, etc.) after 10 PM.  However, if you have all of the lights off prior the the smart action running, it will turn them back on, which defeats the intended purpose.



Suggestion for implementation:


For bulb smart actions, allow the user to select whatever color, brightness, or mode setting independently but require the user to select a bulb state from the following:

  1. Turn On
  2. Turn Off
  3. Turn On/Off
  4. No Change


The first three options are already available, but the fourth option is the addition that would make this suggestion possible - allowing users to change the bulb parameters such that they would be effective immediately if the bulb is already in an "on" state or, if the bulb is currently in an "off" state - the selections would be effective at the next time the bulb is turned on.
