C425 offline issue

C425 offline issue

C425 offline issue
C425 offline issue
2025-01-06 15:31:16
Model: Tapo C425  
Hardware Version:
Firmware Version: 1.2.23 Build


I recently bought the Tapo C425 camera, and it works fine in the first couple of weeks, but this week, it start to encounter "offline" issue. I checked my wifi router, the camera still connect to my wifi, so it should not be the wifi signal issue, Plus I have a Tapo door bell, which almost have the same distance as this C425 camera to my home wifi router and works well. So what could be the reason of this offline issue and is there any other solution besides mannually reset/restart the camera?


Thank you

33 Reply
Re:C425 offline issue
2025-01-07 10:28:07




I have the same issue with my C425. It was working fine for months and in December 2024 I did an firmware update as requested and since that my camera goes offline. I already restarted it 3-4 times but still facing the same issue. 
any suggestions?

Re:C425 offline issue
2025-01-08 13:18:20

  @Richie0414 Same problem. I bought 6 cameras of this type and some of them randomly go into "Offline" mode and you have to reset their HW from the button. So, if you are away from home, the camera is useless. And then you need it.  

 I noticed that 2 of them haven't locked up yet and those are the ones that have a different SW version, 1.3.11. The cameras that keep locking up lately are the ones that have sw version 1.2.23. If I try to upgrade them, it says that they are up to date.


Some answers here or should I send them back?

Re:C425 offline issue
2025-01-08 15:38:02



Thanks for sharing and my s.w version is also 1.2.23. I have reset the camera already 3 times it works fine for one hour and then if not online as before the camera is still not working I have to refresh constantly and nothing happen. As you no new software version is available. 

I'm very disappointed by the poor service of TP Link Tapo. My old Igeek is still working and I never had such issues...



Re:C425 offline issue
2025-01-24 08:29:47


I have the same issue. They tend to reconnect by themselves. Otherwise, I just switch on and off.

But when I check on my wifi router, they are connected. I hope a new firmware will solve this issue.

Re:C425 offline issue
2025-01-25 20:16:33

  @MaxG1 I have the same issue. I have three C425 and two will often be "off-line" yet connected to the network fine. I have strong network signal at all locations. Rebooting them (off/on) by hand is the only resolution. 

Re:C425 offline issue
2025-01-26 21:42:26

 I am having the exact same issue. I'm so frustrated I could spit. I have yet to see an acknowledgment from any tp link support staff. Does anyone have a successful fix? Or is everyone resigned to either return the cameras or hope for a firmware upgrade to fix it. I love the function and quality of videos but if they are offline most of the time what good is it?  

Re:C425 offline issue
2025-01-26 23:59:39
Hi All I have bought a new C425 , install it and blocked the firmware update to keep 1.2.18 firmware version. Everything works well with the old firmware now. I have returned the old one and get my money back. End of the episode for now.
Re:C425 offline issue
2025-01-27 17:21:17

It looks like we all have the same issue. 

Re:C425 offline issue
2025-01-27 22:55:55

I may have solved the issue, at least in my case. I've had stable connectivity for almost 24 hours. Here is my situation and what I did. 

First, I realized that one of my four cameras never goes offline. But the other 3 alternated being offline continually. The camera that stayed online was bought first and used for my front door. It was a trial run before I committed to the other cameras and locations. So I did a factory reset on the 3 intermittent cameras and left the front door camera alone since it worked fine. This worked for about 30 minutes then the 3 cameras started going  offline and back online intermittently. 

Next, I noticed that it was 2 cameras that were the main problem. The third also went offline on occasion but not nearly as often as the other two. One in particular seemed to be offline much more than the rest. So I ran a test. I brought the camera with the biggest problem inside the house close to one of my wifi mesh nodes. I monitored it for about an hour. During that hour, all 4 cameras stayed online. Clearly I was on to something. 

So I decided to move the "problem" camera to an alternate exterior location and monitored it. I didn't mount it in case it messed up again. After 30 minutes without an issue, I mounted it on the new location. 

Like I said, it's been almost 24 hours and no issues. The cameras are working great and when they work, I really like them. 


My theory: the bad camera was originally within 10 feet of another camera. Those two went offline the most. One pointed to the backyard and one pointed down the side yard. I moved the side yard camera farther away, more like 30 feet now. And they all work fine and are no longer going offline. Potentially an interference issue?  Maybe. And maybe the factory reset helped as well. Not sure. But I'm happy now. Just wish tp-link did some of this troubleshooting and explanation. Wish you all good luck. Hopefully this helps some of you. I'll report back if it stops working. 

Re:C425 offline issue
2025-01-27 23:33:32 - last edited 2025-01-27 23:33:45

  @McCoy08- Good that it works for you now. I only have 1 and it's less than 10 feet from a mesh router. Will just have to wait until the next update. 
