These are the only options offered in Smart / Smart Actions / <smartActionName> / When (triggers) for an ES20M (and, one might assume, the KS200M):

What I would expect here is anything on a Switch that could act as a trigger, would be available. That would suggest the total possibilities of:
- Turn On
- Turn Off
- Power Toggle (change in power state)
- Dim +
- Dim -
- Motion
- Ambiance Level (selectable; properly implemented, this could effectively serve as a Dusk/Dawn sensor)
- Bonus Points: Double-taps of any physical button (Power, Dim +, or Dim -)
Using any of these as a trigger, probably depends on whether the firmware knows that any of those states have changed, conditions have been met, or buttons have been pressed. But that is almost certainly already the case. If so, then the work probably "just" boils down to being able to have it do something specifc or configurable as a result (please make sure your devs know I put air-quotes around the word 'just' - I know these things aren't as easy as some folks think!).