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Forums/ Range Extenders
By niko322 2022-10-07 22:05:57

Issues with wifi connections every night

Hi all, Recently I encountered some issues regarding the WiFi connection with the RE450 extender device. Every night the WiFi suddenly has no connection. I can still connect to the WiFi network but it
Forums/ Feature Request
By Digsy 2022-10-07 18:24:55

Re-instate "local mode"

I am told that the new app has no "local mode". This seems like a massive omission. Internet access is not 100% stable for anybody. If they have integrated your products into their smart home, then ev
Forums/ Kasa Cameras
By Kanoobi 2022-10-08 17:23:31

Kasa v3.0.2 Motion Detection Problem

Hi. I'm aware of the many issues around the new 3.0.2 Kasa app update, I am hoping that this major issue for me is known and slated for a fix soon. Using a 'smart action' with my camera and motion det
Forums/ Kasa App and Integrations
By jtsquidd 2022-10-03 02:40:24

problem with kasa android update for kass app

having problem opening the Kasa app after doing the update to the app. It will update but when i try to open the app it goes right back to the update app screen. any one else have this problem.
Forums/ Feature Request
By Digsy 2022-10-07 18:21:39

Re-instate the 4x1 scenes widget in the app please

Since App v3.x.x the 4x1 scene select widget is gone. The new equivalent takes up too much space. The new app is too slow to open so I'd like a way to access my scenes that doesn't dominate half my ph
Stories/ Kasa App and Integrations
By Riley_S 2022-09-27 16:54:45

New Kasa Application Launching

New Kasa App Launching! Hey Kasa Users! Yes, You! We have some huge news for everyone regarding our Kasa platform! TP-Link has released a completely redesigned version of the Kasa app, bringing much-r