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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2018-01-29 01:36:03
Archer C7 can't ping/connect through on lan/wan
Model : Hardware Version : Firmware Version : ISP : Is this thing blocking Netbios port 137 ? Only place in manual I found is something in VPN settings !! Tna
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2018-01-18 03:53:29
Re:Archer C7 AC1750 V2 loosing WiFi with Google Products
Saw something today about Google and WiFi problems. Sorry I can't remember where. Could be CNET or Ars ?
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2017-10-18 00:15:09
Re:Archer C7 DNS Settings
Thank you, I will give it a shot.
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2017-10-17 00:23:07
Re:Archer C7 DNS Settings
Never have seen anything like that. May be for the commercial accounts. This is for the free accounts. I never had a router where IPV6 was defined in any way. I had always just put the addresses in...
Forums/ Cable Modem&Routers
2017-10-16 21:31:48
I have a modem that works. I purchased the TP-Link router because the Asus one I got had a flaw and returned it. I do not understand the value that has to be entered in the TP-Link. I never had an...
Forums/ Cable Modem&Routers
2017-10-16 00:12:42
I will take a stab at this. Depends on how you were notified and is it really end of life or defective, which you did not say. Most cable companies have lists available, on line, about what modems...