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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2024-11-16 18:33:13
Re:MLO speed loss on home network
hi, im seeing the same behavior as you on my 16 pro max 1tb. ive also read on reddit that others are experiencing similar issues. i think you router is fine.
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2024-11-15 23:27:57
Re:MLO speed loss on home network
ive got the same router. v1.6 latest firmware. 5gig frontier service. wired speeds are 5.5 up/down. ive got about 40 iot devices on the iot network. ive got mlo activated as well as smart connect....
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2024-10-05 01:03:34
Re:Archer GE800 - BE19000 Tri-Band Wi-Fi 7 Gaming Router
@Richardj186 , appreciate you posting about this -- seems you are invested in wanting the best for your family's needs. Im in the market for a wifi7 device, currently have the axe300 and 5g service...