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Forums/ Deco
2024-07-21 20:32:45
Re:Deco Mesh (X90's and X68's) System Integration with Starlink Gen 3 System
Just wanted to close the loop here. I installed my Gen 3 Starlink system and all you have to do it enter bypass mode on the Starlink app, plug your Deco into the back of the Gen 3 Starlink router,...
Forums/ Deco
2024-07-15 03:11:30
Re:Deco Mesh (X90's and X68's) System Integration with Starlink Gen 3 System
@David-TP that's great news. I was hoping that would be the case. I"ll go ahead and finalize this thread once I get my system in and get to that point so that maybe others who are also getting the...
Forums/ Deco
2024-07-14 22:07:09
Deco Mesh (X90's and X68's) System Integration with Starlink Gen 3 System
Hello, I just ordered a Starlink Gen 3 system. I have a current Deco Mesh system with a X90 acting as the main router, and another X90 and 2, X68's acting as satellites throughout the house. My...
Forums/ Deco
2024-03-27 16:14:26
Re:Deco x90 Pulsing Blue. No ISP for a Week, but Need local WiFi Back for Smart Devices to Function
@yves_b The main Deco x90 is in router mode. You are correct in that I basically had to remove all units, satellites and main router, and basically start over. It took me a couple of hours and some...
Forums/ Deco
2024-03-26 20:02:58
Deco x90 Pulsing Blue. No ISP for a Week, but Need local WiFi Back for Smart Devices to Function
My incompetent ISP went out this morning, and they can't get someone out to fix their awful equipment for a week. Okay, fine. However, my main Deco is a x90. I have another x90 and two x60's as...
Forums/ Deco
2023-07-10 13:30:07
Re:Backhaul Message and WAN Message
APP log sent. Thank you.