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Forums/ Deco
2023-03-10 14:47:59
Re:Satelite disconnect
@Imagebearer try removing it and re-adding? I assume you're using wireless backhaul? Are you placing it too far out of range from the main unit?
Forums/ Deco
2023-03-09 05:55:28
Re:Easiest way to replace existing Deco S4 network with new Deco X50?
i was able to successfully upgrade my network from my old S4's to the x50 PoE. I just did them one at a time and took the old S4 node offlline as i went. PoE is a nice upgrade in itself as is also...
Forums/ Deco
2023-03-08 18:09:22
Re:Deco S4 Mesh indoors and adding an EAP device via ethernet/PoE access point?
@Carl I don't have power out in the garage yet I need to run power cables through the power conduit that runs alongside the old telephone line conduit. I'm going to be giving the S4's to relative,...
Forums/ Deco
2023-03-08 07:26:30
Re:Help: Mesh WiFi for Large Home
@jennylas I think one of the most important things you were going to need to know first is what kind of download speeds you're going to expect. Because that may determine what your next course of...
Forums/ Deco
2023-03-08 04:52:52
Re:Help: Mesh WiFi for Large Home
@jennylas ive nevr used powerline, and i dont see why you would need to run it in your scenario as i think a regular deco kit would cover you. what speeds can you (or do you) get from t-mobile...
Forums/ Deco
2023-03-08 03:49:39
Re:Easiest way to replace existing Deco S4 network with new Deco X50?
@David-TP thank you. i figured this way would work fine for my needs and be the easiest way.