AC750 extender, SSID caused errors during initial setup
AC750 extender, SSID caused errors during initial setup
Model :
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The SSID I was trying to extend was named Loading... (yes, it did end with 3 periods).
During the initial setup of the AC750 it bombs once you select the SSID.
I had the developer tools open in Google Chrome and it shows some 400 level error.
Once I changed the SSID and removed the periods it worked like a charm (the name is now just Loading).
Just thought I'd pass this along so maybe the development team would fix this.
Hardware Version :
Firmware Version :
The SSID I was trying to extend was named Loading... (yes, it did end with 3 periods).
During the initial setup of the AC750 it bombs once you select the SSID.
I had the developer tools open in Google Chrome and it shows some 400 level error.
Once I changed the SSID and removed the periods it worked like a charm (the name is now just Loading).
Just thought I'd pass this along so maybe the development team would fix this.