Archer BE11000 Pro keep loosing connection with a HD in an enclosure connected to the USB drive

Archer BE11000 Pro keep loosing connection with a HD in an enclosure connected to the USB drive

Archer BE11000 Pro keep loosing connection with a HD in an enclosure connected to the USB drive
Archer BE11000 Pro keep loosing connection with a HD in an enclosure connected to the USB drive
11 hours ago
Model: Archer BE11000 Pro  
Hardware Version: V1
Firmware Version: 1.1.1 Build 20241115 rel.24012(5553)

A newly purchased (less than a month) Archer BE 11000 Pro router keeps disconnecting from a 8Tb hard drive in an USB3.0 enclosure connected to the router's USB port. It detects the drive when connected, but after a short period of time it doesn't show the drive until I restart the enclosure. The enclosure has an automatic wake-up function, which works fine when connected to a PC. Multiple threads about other TP-Link routers advise that it may be a firmware issue and may require an update, However, the firmware on my router is the latest, and there are no updates\ available. 


The router also was loosing two hard drives connected with a USB 3.o hub, or an Orico external HDD enclosure (for 2 drives). I called tech support, they told that the router doesn't support multiple drives (which is weird, because my previous router - ASUS AC5300 was supporting multiple drives just fine). So now it appears that there is a problem with one drive as well. Any solution advice is appreciated.
