Why is it hard to find manuals for extender
Why is it hard to find manuals for extender
It should be easy - Just go to download center. But guess what? There are no mauals to be found for the RE205. What gives?
It should be easy - Just go to download center. But guess what? There are no mauals to be found for the RE205. What gives?
Please be sure to select the correct hardware version of your device, as this will change what firmware, manuals, and user guides are available. For the V3, the QIG, User Guide and Data Sheets are available here: https://www.tp-link.com/us/support/download/re205/v3/
If the newest version is not yet available for sale, there may be no resources provide, as is the case with the latest version of the RE205, or even our Wi-Fi 7 Routers.
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