AC600 Archer T2UH crashes Mac OS 10.11.6
AC600 Archer T2UH crashes Mac OS 10.11.6
Model :
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Firmware Version :
The current wi-fi adaptor version for Mac OS X is crashing my computer but only when I have the adapter active and connected to a network and only when I am running a wineskin software program. Please e-mail me for further clarification or just reply below. Would appreciate a bug fix so I don't have to unplug the adapter while running wineskin.
Hardware Version :
Firmware Version :
The current wi-fi adaptor version for Mac OS X is crashing my computer but only when I have the adapter active and connected to a network and only when I am running a wineskin software program. Please e-mail me for further clarification or just reply below. Would appreciate a bug fix so I don't have to unplug the adapter while running wineskin.