Easy Mesh & WIFI 7 Issues
We recently upgraded our phones to iPhone 16 Pros, our first Wifi 7 devices. I am running into recurring device connecion issues when using 6ghz and/or MLO and 3 mesh points.
My current setup is an Archer GE800 as main router using ethernet backhul to daisychain 2 BE550s with Easymesh.Looks like this: GE800 ->Cat7-> BE550 ->Cat7-> BE550.
I am able to use 6ghz and MLO when using a single GE800 and a single BE550. Network stability is rock solid and roaming works as expected.
The moment the 2nd BE550 is connected to my network it causes my entire network to go haywire. My other devices(Approx. 40) drop connection leading to my entire system rebooting every couple of minutes. Even my hardwired devices have connection issues. It becomes a constant reboot cycle.
My options are either to run 2 easymesh points with 6ghz and MLO enabled resulting in limited coverage or run 3 easymesh points with 6ghz and MLO disabled limiting high speed devices. I have been able to reproduce the above scenarios consistently isolating variables 1 test at a time. I bought these routers with the intent of having Wifi 7 coverage across my house for new devices.
Is this a known issues with these devices and/or easy mesh? Is a fix in the works? I tried the recent BE550 beta firmware in hopes it fixes the issue but it does not change anything.