US Ban on TP-link Routers

US Ban on TP-link Routers

US Ban on TP-link Routers
US Ban on TP-link Routers
2025-01-15 20:11:22
Tags: #US Ban

The United States is looking at banning TP-Link routers.


They point out a specific vulnerability. I've watched videos of the exploit in action, accessing a network from the internet via this vulnerability in my router. 


What is TP-Link doing to fix this vulnerability? 


How is TP-Link insuring even they are not able in accessing our own network through this vulnerability? 

2 Reply
Re:US Ban on TP-link Routers
2025-01-15 20:42:27

  @PlayerOne  check out their response:


TP-Link - Our Security Commitment

Re:US Ban on TP-link Routers
2025-01-15 21:56:26



That's part of the answer. 


And I know tp-link is one of the most secure. It's why I've been a customer for over 10 years. 


I am concerned about the ban being looked at right now because of a known exploit in what seems to be all TP-Link routers. 


I would post a YouTube of someone very well known for their content actively using the exploit against a random TP-Link Router they stumbled across REMOTELY over the internet but then I would be in trouble for sharing an exploit. 


Zero physical access. It's on YouTube. 


What is TP-Link doing to secure this very fatal flaw, in the wild right now? 
