Potential bug in ArcherC9 Wireless Router

Potential bug in ArcherC9 Wireless Router

Potential bug in ArcherC9 Wireless Router
Potential bug in ArcherC9 Wireless Router
2024-10-19 18:53:10
Model: Archer C9  
Hardware Version: V5
Firmware Version: 1.2.5 Build 20220429 rel.52861

I suspect I may have identified a bug in this router, and wanted to see if anyone else has observed the same, or if this is a known issue.


I have run into situations in which I desire a stationary ip address on some of my devices, so I started assigning DHCP reservations.  At some point in the process, I would restart the router, and DHCP would be completely broken - no device would receive an ip address, reservation or not.  Every time this occurred, I would have to manually assign network settings to my adapter so I could get back into the router settings, and back out the change.


At some point I suspected it was a problem occurring when I reached a certain number of reservations.  I am aware there is a limit to the number of reservations, I'm not aware what that limit is off the top of my head, but I never reached a point of more than 10 reservations, and I believe I determined from support that I wasn't close to approaching the limit.


This problem would come up periodically over a course of years, every time I needed to add a reservation, I'd run into a problem, back things out, remove another one, and eventually get it to work.  Every time this came up, I would check for firmware updates, and apply one if there was.  This never made a change.  My firmware is still current.


I did open a support ticket at some point.  The tech couldn't identify a problem, and chalked it up to a faulty unit, despite it exhibiting no signs of defect other than this specific quirk.  While it is possible it's a faulty unit, it didn't smell like that to me.  I couldn't get my ticket escalated, and just gave up and worked within these limitations.


Which takes me to this week, when I needed a stationary ip address on another device.  So I added it, and sure enough, it broke DHCP.  I got into the settings with a manual static ip on my adapter, and backed out a previous device that I no longer needed a stationary ip for, restarted - DHCP was still broken.  So this got me thinking that my assumption it was breaking at a certain number of reservations may have been inaccurate.  I observed my description names were lengthy, and thought perhaps there could be a limitation there.  So I shortened all my description names, and one restart later, things were working as they should again.  


I've not tested this further, so I've not confirmed that adding further reservations with short description names works as it should, or determined if there is a length limit, or if perhaps I backed out a special character that could have caused a conflict.  I do not recall having a special character that I backed out, but I do not remember the specific lengthy name I backed out, so I can't rule that out.  


Has anyone else encountered anything like this?


I could do more troubleshooting to zero in on the problem, but given that I have what I need to do what I need, further troubleshooting would involve frequent restarts and disruptions to my home network, and I'm not on tp-link's payroll, this really should be someone else's responsibility at this point.  Is this a known issue, or should I bring this to someone's attention?  Is there a way to open a bug report?
