Can't find Dyndns Update interval on Archer C73
Can't find Dyndns Update interval on Archer C73
#Feature Request
First of all.. How the hell did I got the No_OpenVPN username instead of ZekeMX?... I can't seem to find a way to change it on user center... (Please help)
The problem I have with my Archer AX73 is that I can't seem to find the dyndns update interval on the dyndns settings.
Every time my ISP changes the IP address I need to update it manually... Do I need to run dyndns updater on my PC?... If yes... then what's the point of adding it to the rounter anyway?
ON the Dynamic DNS settings I have a note at the bottom:
I saw a picture of the Archer C9 that does have it.
Please help.

Please help.