Decco XE75 Pro not working with Frontier FIOS
Decco XE75 Pro not working with Frontier FIOS
I have had nothing but problems with the Decco mesh router since I purchased it last fall (2-pack).
The Decco is connected via Ethernet directly to the FIOS box from Frontier.
TP-link has already replaced one of the units after troubleshooting, but the problems persist.
Here is my issue:
- Whenever I make a change to the Decco settings and the Decco reboots it can no longer connect to the internet. The LED turns red and I have no internet. I have tried
- to reboot the router and FIOS box in different orders, for different times
- Cloned the MAC address from the Decco router (since it is the one registered with the service provider) to my desktop, I can access the internet
- Cloned the MAC address from the Decco router to my old Archer C9 routher, I can access the internet
- factory reset the Decco, still the same problem
- Today it was evern stranger:
- I tried to change the IoT network from 2.4GHz to 2.4 and 5 GHz
- Tapped save in the app, a spinning cicle is show, decco reboots
- Red LED. HOWEVER I can still connect to the interent on the 2.4GHz IoT network from my desktop computer
- None of the other networks have an internt connection
- The app still shows IoT network as 2.4GHz only
- Tried changing the IoT network again to have 2.4GHz and 5GHz, this time the app does not freeze, but shows IoT as both 2.4 and 5 GHz
- disconected and reconnected wifi on my desktop, ran speedtest, now 5GHz but speedtest only shows a download speed, then stops
- Rebotted Decco network again
- LED still red, but IoT network shows both upload and download speeds consitent with 5GHz, and connected to 5GHz
- none of the other networks (standard and guest) have interent connection when conneted to
- Rebooted FIOS access point
- connected the Decco to old Archer C9, still red LED, even after rebooting
- Howver, normal network has internet connection when connected
- gest network no internet
- IoT network no internet
- Rebooted Decco again, this time the green light comes on briefly, then turns yellow and green a few times, then red
- Reset Decco to factory settings, set it up again, no internet connection
- Connected the old Archer C9 router, no problem Internet OK
- Connected Decco via Archer C9, no internet
I am about to give up on these devices, simply too much troble to get them working, unless anybody has any smart ideas of what the problem could be.