It may be a result of older limitations or even how web browsers translate special characters. It may have also been easier to limit characters on an app, and all special characters may have been caught in one rule for the webUI.
Normally, we recommend avoiding apostrophes or spaces in device names and networking credentials due to the potential that a device on your network cannot cope with the characters. There are always situations that will surprise you, so we recommend limiting their use as often as possible, even though it makes the client list look so clean :)
If you were curious btw, the older limitations that you are likely finding are based on the original structure of networks and how they were accessed by PCs. Essentially, a network adapter/location would use the same structure technology as a file folder on your PC - meaning that the rules that apply to filepaths also had to apply to device names and networked locations.
Nowadays, this is far less important because we have developed better methods of accessing and identifying devices through MAC Address, and the addition of IPv6 and ARP Tables.