Hey @sanooo614,
Defintely not expected, especially one you disable the DHCP server and placed in AP mode.
When the dropouts occur, do you know if it is the entire network that drops, only devices that connect to the network via the switch, or only devices connected to the RE550?
What Network Switch are you using?
- If you are able, test if the behavior stays the same when connecting the AP directly to your router rather than through a switch. If your switch is managed, you may be able to see if the switch is attempting to manage the ports or changing the IP address of the connected port.
How Do you have the RE configured in terms of wireless access? Different or the Same SSID as your network?
- If it is the same, you may try changing to see if there is a conflict between the addresses given by the RE vs the router when switching networks.
What is the LED Status on your different devices?
Lastly, when the dropout occurs, try to take a look at the LED lights of the RE, the LED of the Port on the switch, and the indicators on your modem to see if one of the devices will indicate via an LED what part of the network is having an issue.
I would say the first step is just to determine how widespread the behavior is, such as if it is only affecting a portion of your network, or devices that are in a specific area that are using the RE to connect. From there, we can start exploring what incompatibilities or settings could be the cause.