DNS Unresponsive to Browsers, ping only partially responsive
I've spent days on this problem. Using Starlink as ISP (Fortunately I have a second ISP to connect to, and two computers running Mac OS Monterey, and an iPhone)
I'm replacing AXE75 with AX90. The Starlink modem is in Bypass mode.
The (older) AXE75 was working fine (ping, web browsers, ssh/scp via OpenVPN, etc.)... until I upgraded the recommended Firmware (AXE is now unusable).
I used ALL the AXE75 settings on the new AX90 (and have tried many variations since then: rebooted router dozens of times, rebooted Starlink numerous times, etc). I'm using either the Ethernet cable, and/or the WiFi connection
When I ping google or traceroute to google, whatsmyip, the AX90 works.
When I ping (or traceroute) our company servers IP number - no problem
But when I ping (or traceroute) our company company servers IP name, "Host not Found"
Safari, Chrome, Firefox Browsers to Gmail, Google, etc... "Host not Found"
I've got the settings on both the AX90 and computer DNS servers set to, (also tried
using the terminal, scutil --dns | grep 'nameserver\[[0-9]\]' shows and
So it looks like NAT isn't working (Dynamic IP and NAT are enabled). I've checked for double-NAT conditions: not apparent that it is the problem.
Using the terminal on my computer, scutil --dns | grep 'nameserver\[[0-9]\]' shows and - consistent with Mac Preferences -> Network DNS settings
Searched all the forums/FAQs, etc... no joy
Anybody else encountered this problem?