Ax11000 V1 Wifi Slow on iPhone 12 7 to 11 Mbps on a main connect of 114 MBPS
Ax11000 V1 Wifi Slow on iPhone 12 7 to 11 Mbps on a main connect of 114 MBPS
AX11000 MU-MIMO Tri-Band Gaming Router V1
1.3.1 Build 20220831 rel.77448(5553)
WIFI measure slow on Iphone 12. using Speedtest by Ookla 7 to 11 Mbps Text not going .. so on.
Main pipe ( Wire Connect ) is 114 Mbps Download - 45.99 on the upload Via Microwave Internet.
A Windows 10 PC on Wifi Measures 65 MBPS Dw and 46 up - respectful.
iPhone 12 not so good - WHY is this ? Ajustments ?
Is this a false reading or is there something not right with the settings