Deco4ISP - "inactive" devices popping up when we installing Decos
I have additional inactive sites in my Deco4ISP controller that pop when we do installs. I have a site with 2 Decos and a license on it and it's working perfectly, it seems to be generating another user site called "New Site 6/30" and it has a single deco in it, and a license associated with it. We only performed one install in the last 3 days around that time, so I don't think it was from another install that went weird.
This happens every once in awhile. I also have a "new site 6/20" that was generated when we did an install for someone, and their site is normal, and the mac addresses and licenses are not shared in the two sites....
What is going on?
Sorry I deleted the sites before i took a screenshot. I didn't notice any issues with any other sites when I deleted them, but it's very weird that they are generating themselves.