605X extender ethernet connection
I installed the RE605X in my network which has an AX6000 router. This replaced the old non-mesh RE450 extender. The RE450 was connected to ethernet so it was just an wireless extender. The 605x is configured as a mesh device.
When I plug in an ethernet cable into the 605x, the network drops out completely. The 605x has all the lights on blue, the signal is good according to Tether.
I was using the ethernet connection since I thought it would help the network speed.
If I configure the RE605x to be non-mesh, the SSIDs have the _EXT suffix. This sorta works but I have to connect to the _EXT ssid in some rooms and the normal ssid in others.
Question: Is a wired connection with wireless mesh an acceptable configuration or should I just leave it wireless only to the 605x when using mesh?
Hope this is clear enough...