
Device bandwidth usage reporting


Device bandwidth usage reporting

76 Reply
Re:Device bandwidth usage reporting
2023-10-01 21:58:04
Been obsessively checking what devices are online. Not a single rogue device on the network, nothing that should be causing such an increase in usage. Went over 2 years worth of bills and I only ever came close to 1tb once a year ago. My average consumption is 500-700gb per month, ever since I added deco it shot up to 1.2-1.3TB. Support is completely useless, outside of "we will pass the request for the feature along" I just straight up got blamed for not checking that this feature is available before buying the router. Bravo, tp-link, some excellent support agents
Re:Device bandwidth usage reporting
2023-10-02 09:29:03

  @winybulldogge it sounds almost as though something in your environment has becoming infected by a bot.  Have you rolled back to the pre-Deco network, and has your monthly usage gone back down?  I'm on an unlimited broadband package and the billing system does not let me see data-usage, and so I have no way to compare my typical monthly usage with and without Deco.  I might have the ability to insert a traffic monitor between the Deco and the ONT - I suspect I will not be happy until I have, and proved my environment one way or the other.

Whilst it is more likely that a device attached to the LAN is likely to harbour a bot, it would be inappropriate to rule anything out or in.

Good luck finding whatever is eating into your allocation.

Re:Device bandwidth usage reporting
2023-10-11 14:07:06

Ever since I purchased the AXE5300 from Costco in Aug 2023, my Xfinity data useage shot through the roof.  My prior use was about 1TB a month prior to August using my old Apple Airport Extremes.  Then I bought the AXE5300 and my use in Aug went up to 2TB and a whopping 6TB in Sept for no known reason.  Makes no sense and TP-Link offers no way to monitor data use over time and is needed badly.  


Also, there must be something wrong with the devices themselves that causes them to conituously use data at a rate of 2-6x my normal use (firmware bug?).  Something is going on and TP-Link support has been of non help to date.

Re:Device bandwidth usage reporting
2023-10-12 10:03:14

Hi  @IcemanTX 


It seems that @winybulldogge's experience of high data utilisation is not an isolated case, and this interests me.


I am hoping that @TP-Link people are reading this (I hope that tag is a real tp-link person).


I will go straight in with the worst case scenario (sensationalism & headline-grabbing might help gain traction) - the high utilisation might be caused by malware-infected firmware in the tp-link device.  By this I am suggesting that some criminal's command and control system is using these tp-link devices to attack other systems out there, or perhaps they are exfiltrating your data to a third party.  If this is the case, then it is very bad.  Can we be sure that this is the case? - No, not without further investigation.  So for now this is just a theory which needs to be explored.


However, it is just as likely that a device connected to the tp-link is causing the excessive bandwidth utilisation.  Without the tp-link providing device utilisation statistics, we are left blind - and this explanation is also just conjecture. 


If we tentatively suggest that a LAN-attached device is the cause of the high utilisation, then why might this coincide with the deployment of the tp-link device?  It could be pure coincidence (we only have a sample of two at the moment) - but it would be interesting to know whether the high utilisation goes away if you were to revert to original Apple Airport Extremes.


It is also possible that some default behaviour of the tp-link device is allowing traffic through that the previous firewall/router did not (e.g. UPnP).  It might be that a video streaming device's use of mDNS is somehow being transported by the tp-link?  This is yet more conjecture and would need a much deeper investigation.


There is a less worrying scenario: we can sign into the TP-Link Deco app on our smartphones from anywhere on the Internet to view the status of our network and live utilisation stats.  So, is this information being pumped out to the tp-link servers all the time - even when we're not looking at the stats?  If so, then here is an obvious candidate for why the utilisation might have gone up.  It doesn't make it acceptable, but it is less worrying that the earlier scenarios.


I really will have to find time to put a network analyser on my WAN interface.



RE:Device bandwidth usage reporting
2023-11-25 17:52:50
This is a basic feature that nearly every other router has, especially mesh routers
RE:Device bandwidth usage reporting
2023-12-06 08:38:59
Very useful!
RE:Device bandwidth usage reporting
2023-12-07 08:39:13
This is a no brainer. I am shocked to find out this info is not available and has been being requested for years. Im with everyone else may have to switch. Having to buy another router just to have a basic feature that everything else has is ridiculous. Have they ever even responded to anyone here?!
RE:Device bandwidth usage reporting
2023-12-25 20:26:15
With all ISP now offering data capped usage, it is very important to be able to limit and monitor the usage of internent, could also help identify where data is leaking most, but initially just to be able to control the monthly usage
RE:Device bandwidth usage reporting
2023-12-30 15:30:14
need data usage reporting per wifi device
Re:Device bandwidth usage reporting
2024-01-01 22:46:59 - last edited 2024-01-01 22:47:12

Monthly (etc) bandwidth usage also not availble on PX50. It would be great to have.


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