Lower PLC-to-VGSL Interference Mode keeps resetting to ON after switching off
I have four of these adapters and one of them will not retain the "OFF" setting for the tpPLC software control of the advance feature "Lower PLC-to-VGSL Interference Mode".
I tried changing this setting from the factory default of "OFF" to "ON" to see if it would help with some network stability issues. There was no change.
So I wanted to use the tpPLC software to switch this setting back to "OFF".
I can switch it to "OFF", but if I open the setting control dialogue window again it is back "ON"... tried several times switching it off ... always responds with "Saved" and then when I reopen the window the control switch indicates it is "ON"... tried resetting the adapter using the tpPLC software switch to "reset factory defaults" but when I check the "Lower PLC-to-VGSL Interference Mode" setting it still indicates "ON",,, hmm ? Any ideas ???