Connect to 5Ghz SSID and Can't see devices on 2.4hz SSID
Connect to 5Ghz SSID and Can't see devices on 2.4hz SSID
Hi all,
I recently purchased the M5 Deco. I have to created 2 SSID (test_5ghz and Test_2.4GHz). Older devices only connecting to 2.4ghz.
I has some wifi cameras connecting to the test_2.4ghz and some to the test_5Ghz.
On my laptop, when I am connecting to the 5Ghz SSID then I can only accessing the cameras that is connecting to the 5GHz but not to the cameras connecting to the 2.4Ghz and vice versa.
Is this how the Deco M5 set up? Any method for me to see all the devices that is connecting to the network?
Thank you in advance.