Archer Ax50 Ax3000 - Wifi very inconsistent, Ping varies dramactically
I purchased this to resolve the issues I was having with a netgear nighthawk. The initial 2 months was fantastic, conisitent on both 2.4 and 5 bands - speed consistently 70 - 110 MBps DL. The last 2 weeks have been a nightmare where it drops to almost nothing, 5 Mpbs, and the ping jumps up and down like crazy.
This makes watching any videos via Apple TV, iPads, etc impossible.
We have 10-15 wireless devices
The wired devices to the router seem to be suffering the same degradation.
The direct speed from the Cable Modem is 100+ Mbps, no issues there.
I have looked at various settings and cannot find a remedy. Reboots, factory resets, are no help - Please provide some help