NYC/Spectrum: Changed router to TP-Link, now getting much slower WiFi speeds
I recently upgraded from my Spectrum router SAC2V1K to a brand new TP-Link AC1750 from Amazon and I’m getting speeds (tested with multiple speed test apps) that are much lower than what I had before switching. On the iPhones/tablets, speeds are still fast. On laptops, wireless speeds are now around 20mbps compared to 300 mbps with the prior router.
I have Smart Connect turned on and I noticed that my laptop connects to the 2.4ghz instead of the 5ghz network, so could that be the issue? Should I disable Smart Connect?
I was under the impression that switching to a non-Spectrum router would give me equal, if not faster speed - as close to 400 mbps as possible (which is my plan).
The modem model that I have is the Arris TM1602A MTA.