Issue with Deco App: phone or Tablet offline
I noticed that when I keep the app open on the parental control page to temporarily block/unblock sites, I constantly get an error "Phone or tablet" offline after a while.
This is very annoying because I have to go back toi the main page of the app, refresh (sometimes a few times before the app reconnects) and click back to the Parental Control section. I am 100% sure the phone is still connected to wifi all the time. On the main page I often get a message "We couldn't find Deco", and the yellow "Try Again" button needs to be pressed many times to reconnect.
I think in the past (a few months ago) that used to work better, I could just pull down on the parental control page and it would refresh/reconnect again. I think I remember only having a similar issue when I walked outside, changing data from Wifi -> 4G Mobile data, which I was about to ask support for as well.
Has something changed? The app should just reconnect/login automatically when refreshing any page.