Crashed Upgrading Firmware v4.4.4 for OC200 v1
I do upgrading my main controller of OC200 v1 f4.3.5 to the latest version via access on the cloud and suddenly the controller keeps offline and is not able to resume on the cloud.
I have the backup controller of the same model done successfully but on my primary controller, it crashed.
I'm currently in abroad, is there's a remote systems recovery or procedure for a crashed upgrade firmware for oc200 v1.
Please help.
This is my second crashed firmware upgrade experience with OMADA OC200 v1 hardware in processing upgrade.
Looking forward for your advise on how I can restore or recover the device back online while i' do remotely. Probably I can call my relatives nearby to my place tob assist localyy while im in abroad if you can share process to restore or revover a crashed non available in cloud controller.