omada controller configuration with pisowifi vendo machine

omada controller configuration with pisowifi vendo machine

omada controller configuration with pisowifi vendo machine
omada controller configuration with pisowifi vendo machine
неделю назад
Model: OC200  
Hardware Version:
Firmware Version:

being away is tiresome when somebody contacts you and wants to order voucher.

so i made a solution to avail a piso wifi vendo machine with ezwifi operating system.


however theres no tutorial on how to integrate an existing omada ssid network to a pisowifi vendo environment.

please give me detailed instruction

1 Reply
Re:omada controller configuration with pisowifi vendo machine
неделю назад

Hi  @b4tm4n 


I don't quite understand.

Did you enable cloud access?


being away is tiresome when somebody contacts you and wants to order voucher.

>>>> Login the controller remotely, and provide a new voucher, or extend time, this can be easily resolved.


