All new OMADA Network about to go live with all TP-LINK Hardware 1 last choice to make!

All new OMADA Network about to go live with all TP-LINK Hardware 1 last choice to make!

All new OMADA Network about to go live with all TP-LINK Hardware 1 last choice to make!
All new OMADA Network about to go live with all TP-LINK Hardware 1 last choice to make!
2025-01-17 14:50:00 - last edited 2025-01-20 06:47:00
Model: OC200   TL-SG2008   EAP650-Outdoor  
Hardware Version: V4
Firmware Version:

Hi all,


Over the years the HOME network turned in to the SOHO, the differentr switched were introduced no end game planned just reactive purchased. then i had enought of  the choas

I woke up and realised "why the hell do i have 80 Devices all on this one router talking to each other? using the 1 wifi SSID"

I have 80 IOTS, smart TV,s 2 laptops one work one personal, Foxte BOX, NAS, DESKTOP, laser printers, 8 cctv cameras outside, mobile phones, relays, meters, automated devices, etc etc all talking to each or albeit trying to and a HELIUM minor on a 15m antenna on the roof just waiting top be hacked throgh port 80, no guest network 80 lots plus

AND its all on the HUwaeii B818-236 LTE 4g Router!

Its open house lol

And the minor needs super ptioroty speed to getthe miningh rewards im 250ms late for rewards when more tha 10 chllangers for the coin, used to make 500 a day in tokens 2 years later competition alllaround, im down to 50, I need the Miner to have priortity secure priotoy to trhe net so im miun yes -240ms to reard when again 120 to 200 otherr hotspots, so i need speed to make the outlay for the minor pay itself off, I know its possible the hotspot next t me all making 1500 a day, dame one has 6 miners all making 1500 a day,l traffic passing mny internal network to slow to the chase.


So all NETGEAR hardware switches out!,

ASll new TP-Link Hardware IN

With 2x EAP650's, ER605, SG2008, 2x ES205G's about to go online to replace the HUWAEII as it will be in BRIDGE MODE, not gone completely


All this and i live alone ....*shakes head*

Deciding on if better for future expansion as i will be house with parthner and the kids one day.....atm im trying to decide for the last component

THE hardware controller, all in one place will be heaven!


SO question for all

the TPlink OC200 or the OC300 HW controller for my solo, SOHO network ??


Now i know its ridiculous overkill for me to have the OC300 when you consider devices it can handle, so is the OC200 really

HOWEVER i like the fact OC300 without a doubt will never ever strain with too many devices for the rest of my days on this earth. 


AND i heard the OC200 had issues with vllan ID being configured to it , something about casn only give it 1Vlan ID not 2 (dont know all the details)


And the OC200  has 2 × 10/100Mbps Ethernet Ports and yes its not relevant because its not moving traffic through why then even have the

the OC300  2× 000 Mbps Ethernet Ports?? if it makes no difference! why not havbe them as 100Mbps??

IT MUST in some way be better?

Its HUGE and rackmnout but my network is fror a home complex, and ineed vlans segratation, and speed for HELIUM miner prioroty data.\


I think foir the exctra $100AU, the OC300 why the hell not?!



Compelling points of view?>


Kind Regards




1 Accepted Solution
Re:All new OMADA Network about to go live with all TP-LINK Hardware 1 last choice to make!-Solution
2025-01-20 06:46:54 - last edited 2025-01-20 06:47:00

Hi  @NLord2023 


Thank you for considering TP-Link's Omada solutions for your network upgrade. The OC200 is a great choice for smaller to medium-sized networks and is more than capable of handling your current device load. 


The OC300’s 2×1Gbps ports provide more flexibility and future-proofing compared to the OC200’s 100Mbps ports. This will be beneficial as your network demands increase. If you have a need for more features in the future, the OC300 will certainly provide a better performance guarantee.

With a good budget, no hesitate to go for OC300.

Recommended Solution
2 Reply
Re:All new OMADA Network about to go live with all TP-LINK Hardware 1 last choice to make!-Solution
2025-01-20 06:46:54 - last edited 2025-01-20 06:47:00

Hi  @NLord2023 


Thank you for considering TP-Link's Omada solutions for your network upgrade. The OC200 is a great choice for smaller to medium-sized networks and is more than capable of handling your current device load. 


The OC300’s 2×1Gbps ports provide more flexibility and future-proofing compared to the OC200’s 100Mbps ports. This will be beneficial as your network demands increase. If you have a need for more features in the future, the OC300 will certainly provide a better performance guarantee.

With a good budget, no hesitate to go for OC300.

Recommended Solution
Re:All new OMADA Network about to go live with all TP-LINK Hardware 1 last choice to make!
2025-01-22 15:53:57

  @Vincent-TP Thanks mate,

Before I embark on the bridgeing of ther huawei B818-236 and shut its wifi down.

I need to be 10000% sure that the ER506 VPN fireall is setup as to swujbstutue for the B818-236 which has



Security TAB:

  • Firewall
  • MAC Address Filter
  • IP Filter
  • Virtual Server - Using for Herlium Miner
  • Special Applications
  • DMZ Settings
  • SIP ALG Settings
  • UPnP Settings - is on for miner
  • NAT Settings - "cone" for minor
  • Domain Filter


Under firewall it has ticklboxes but doesnt tell me whastthe rules are.


You can enable or disable the firewall and its filters here.

  • Enable firewall
  • Enable IP address filter
  • Disable WAN port ping
  • Enable domain name filter
  • Enable MAC filter


Under the ROUTER TAB in H818-236  is use

IP & MAC Address Bindning list for all the netgear switched about ot be rplaces, my pc, EAP650 AP's, Helium Miner and Laser printer, my laptop too maybe the mobile also,

Now ive never done this before, cut everythign over and must get it right 1st time.


I plan on having 4 didderent LANs


LAN--  i need to isolate the helum minor on it own lan but give it poritoty QOS paclket acces to thw wrold, or ill br making heaps less like now.

LAN 2-- wil have tp-link ES205G #1 with a EAP650 #1 hagning off it,  for the 8x wifi CCTV cams hangin of it up in the house

LAN 3 - wil have tp-link ES205G #2 with a EAP650 #2 hagning off it so all work and offce rrelatefd items on 5port tplink omada switch orEAP650

LAN-4  abot 60 IOT Devices i dont wat spying on me lol and trying to talk all the other devices.

I need to have the rules and VLANs and certain devices need tobe able to ccross over lands


Now i hope i fluke a  future proff setup 1ist time, highly doubt it,.


People like m have no real support inmakeing all this work.

Id pay thje experts liek TPlink and say for example provide a service you go online to TP-Link

Here. you can enter your equipment the your router IP: list all the TP-Link devices you own, how you want it connected and why and list all the devices what twill be onnected to what equipmet.

Then YOU the expertys analize the data, maybe a k a few questions, provide a few condsierartions someone like me wouldntr even kwon exist..

Agree on someting, and yo guys cteate a congif file that gets loaded into al the TPlLink equipmmnent,

All the vlan ids' names' subnet masks, DNS serverr, SSH, HTTP ports firesalls rules yadday yadda yadda woudl be NEXT LEVEL usefule.,


Id pay a t for that servie should come frer with productsd!!!

What takes me 12 weeks hosar her hour there, in spare time while working on live network up and configuring same time

With your knowelde, u make the gear for gods sake lol

I dont see why a whole swapo oput ot freah seup coudlnt be done one a weekend,

Such config file's from a manufacturer would be beyond useflul.


Us non qualified flying blind trial an error on network engineers take weeks, months introduces risk,

When i vould pay you to help me do it fast then we stress and pepetration test it.

And its done in days!!!


I can have alife and maybe play the guitar and relac and you get paid i hget a life.


So wish me luck.

Gonna need it

And if the system mewntoiend above exists.

Ask them to contact me its urgent lol


If not

I only wold ask for 5% of global turnover, thats all.


Kind Regards






























Its onlty the firewalll rules thsat worry me the most.

Does the ER05 have any defaul fire wall rules in place, any default rules i can load into it??

i Dont habe test envirnemnt, i go linen straight into production and cant have system down rules broken etc
