Blocking ARP packets on SG3428X-M2
I'm trying to block ARP packets from a specific IP range.
I have tried seemingly every possible combination of ACL settings and none of them seem to affect ARP packets (0 packets matched when ethertype is set to 0806).
The closest I've come to making this work is using IPv4 IMPB via Manual Binding and Arp Detection to effectively generate a "pass" rule (with implicit deny) for a specific IP/MAC; this blocks the unwanted ARP packets but it also blocks valid replies to the ARPs that I want to pass, and I cannot figure out how to allow the replies. I have tried adding a manual binding for the IP/MAC of the machine that generates the replies but they are still blocked by the switch (and are logged as being blocked due to IMPB MATCH FAILURE).
Hardware version: SG3428X-M2 1.20