Possible solution for traffic shaping
I've been wondering for a long time how to limit some of the clients in one network, what's next (I didn't find an answer either on forums or in chats)
The task is this, the hotel has a weak Internet connection. But there are computers with video on the local network. It is necessary for clients to restrict access to the Internet, without limiting the speed to the local network (to computers with video)
The tips were to create a VLAN to prescribe routes. I found an easier way...
There are only 2 settings, and there is no need to create different networks and vlans. In the "PROFILES-Groups" settings, we create 2 groups. (addresses from 128-254) and group (addresses from 64-128) Next, in the "Bandwidth control", we create a rule with these groups with the necessary restriction. in the DHCP settings, specify the address range 64-254.
That's it! all addresses written up to 64 have full and unlimited access everywhere, new addresses will have the necessary restriction on the Internet and without restriction on the local network. If someone needs to change the speed personally, assign an address and enter the speed manually. All in one network without VLANs and complex routes
This setting is useful even at home, so that the Internet does not hang
up. Especially if the family is large, and so that access to the shared
NAS (and other local services) does not suffer All in one network