I'm tired of this thing!
Few Months ago I switched from TL-R470+ to a ER6120 and nothing else but headaches, TP-Link support can't find any solution and this is starting to piss me off.
Connected to this router I have 4 ADSL internet connections fro m the same company, 2 of them (Wan 1 & 2) as PPPoE (Static IP) used for VPN, Wan 3 & 4 just as Dynamic IP.
The main Problem is that the router Reboot itself randomly almost every 3 days, sometimes two, sometimes four days and when is on again it doesn't connect to all modems.
As you can imagine i'm every day checking the connections, even the weekends I do it from home (If one of the two VPN wan is up), last week I had a family issue and I had to travel to another city when arrive I had 15 missed call from work, "Internet not working" - said my boss, the whole people in the building was using just one 6MB ADSL connection, they stay like that till next day.
The self rebooting wouldn't be a problem if it weren't for not reconnecting the wan, wan 2 and 3 "almost" always reconnect but wan 1 and 4 don't do it automatically, wan 1 I can do it from GUI just hitting connect button and wan 4 I have to restart the modem and the ER6120 grab the IP.
I have to take a few days from work and this is getting out of hands, All the modems there were connected to the TL-R470+ and never had this problem before I used that router for 3+ years and believe me never had any of this problems, but I have more than 100 users and VPN services are needed right now, so this router seems more fit for the company.
TP-Link support said I have to update the firmware and I did, but that not solve anything.
Please any insight? Log says that router reboot 3:30 AM last night and Wan 1 wasn't able to connect.