DHCP Relay of T3700G-28TQ
Hi Everyone,
May ask for an assistance regarding on the DHCP relay settings of T3700G-28TQ. Please see topology below;
As my settings:
1. I created VLAN10 and 20 then assign the given ports. VLAN10 includes the port 1/0/13 and 1/0/14 while the VALN20 includes port 1/0/15 and 1/0/16.
2. Changed also the PVID on the given ports.
3. Create interface on the created VLAN.
4. Enable DHCP relay.
5. Assigned the DHCP Server on the created VLAN.
But apparently, when I attached the DHCP Server going to our switch, the PC can't obtain an IP address from DHCP server. Also, the intervlan didn't work either.
Is there any resolution for this one?
Hope can someone help me with this concern.
Thank you!