SSID signal idle mode?
I have a quick question about the signal level of multile SSIDs on the same EAP.
I ran Netspot to check the WIFI network in my surrounding and the signal strenght of my own network. And I made a strange observation. My EAPs have two active SSIDs, one for the private network and one guest network.
In Netspot the signal level of the guest network was always or almost every time on the same level. On the same EAP the private SSID had very intermittent signal strenghts/levels oing down to zero or no signal in Netspot. Again, at the same time the gust network SSID on the same EAP has had a constant signal level. Both on 2.4G.
The guest netwok has no client connected. The private SSID only one client with almost no traffic.
When I truned off the 5G frequency on this EAP and forcing all clients to the 2.4G network then suddenly the sinal level in the 2.4G netwok went up and was running without interruptions.
Could it be that the EAP (or the controller) idles SSIDs in certain frequencies if there is no traffic? If so, why is the Guest SSID still on the same contant high level with no client connected?
P.S. The EAP and the controller are on the latest firmware version.