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Forums/ Switches
By guyd2 2024-03-08 12:43:22

Is it mandatory to assign VLAN to a port ?

Hi, I wish to add Hikvision 8 POE port NVR (with 4 cameras) to my Omada setup(ER605, SG2428P, OC200). A dedicated "CAM" vlan was created for that ( My goal is to connect all 4 cameras
Forums/ Routers
By Fae 2021-03-04 02:14:44

Get the Latest Firmware Releases for Omada Routers Here - Subscribe for Updates

Latest Firmware Release > Early Access < ER8411 V1 1.2.3 Build 20241121 Pre-Release Firmware (Released on Dec 9th, 2024) ER707-M2 V1 1.2.4 Build 20241030 Pre-Release Firmware (Released on Nov 26th, 20
Forums/ Routers
By szabadi 2023-03-10 14:10:20

TP-Link ER605 router with Brovi 4G USB Dongle(E3372-325)

Hello! I have a problem with ER605 router (or the usb stick). I recently bought a Brovi 4G USB Dongle(E3372-325) so I can use it with my router. Unfortunately when I changed the WAN type to USB Modem