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Forums/ Controllers
By dononeil 2022-10-28 15:25:39

Will Pharos CPE ever be supported by Omada?

Are there plans to integrate, or at least support, management of the Pharos CPE's in Omada? It would be awsome to be able to use the long range bridges with an Omada setup, like the CPE210/CPE510 to e
Forums/ Controllers
By RF_Dude 2022-12-27 19:05:16

OC200 Gateway Forgets Everything. USB Backup only with PoE Power?

A Starlink fed site with OC200, ER7206 and 6 AP's experiences lots of power outages. Yeah, site needs a UPS... cause the Starlink has a reset mode that can be triggered by a certain on-off sequence...
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
By Crispy_Bearcon 2021-08-18 16:27:37

Custom Dynamic DNS Services

Hi, i wanted to ask if it is possible to add custom DynDNS Services like i can do in my Fritz!Box. It seems that i can only choose DynDNS, NoIP, Peanuthull or Comexe but i want to use my existing DynD