Requests & Suggestions
2021-09-19 15:24:45
Enhancement requests PPTP VPN Client status
Four enhancement requests please 1. show status if the client is connected or not on the VPN screen as well as a dashboard widget 2. If the client stops please raise an alert 3. on the VPN screen a st
2021-09-02 13:19:19
ACL Help (SOLVED) - Now a UI redesign suggestion
If we read what happened below, the idiot at the keyboard (me) put the ACL on gateway and not on the EAP. This leads to my UI redesign suggestion. In my extremely inexperienced view, if one is creatin
Requests & Suggestions
2021-08-26 09:55:51
Reporting at the client level
Hi, can we get some more enhanced reporting on traffic from the gateway? Would like to be able to see traffic across a site by youtube, netflix, amazon video etc Would like to be able to see traffic u
Requests & Suggestions
2021-08-25 13:44:04
BUG in TPEAP Stop - mongod.lock
Hi, tpeap stop leaves a mongod.lock file in the db directory. This prevents tpeap start from working until one deletes the mongod.lock file. Running on ubuntu 20.04 with db version v3.6.8. Thanks
2021-07-26 02:31:52
Software Controller IP Change
Hello. ER7206, SG2210MP, and EAP225 devices are connected to the Software Omada Controller. How can I modify the connected device to face the controller again when the Controller IP is changed? A tran
2021-07-15 16:55:05
VLAN over the VPN client
Hi everyone, I have defined a PPTP Client policy as below but the Lan20 traffic is not going there, but goes direct to WAN/LAN1. I see the VPN client connected: What have I done wrong?