2022-04-01 10:24:33
ER605 ER7206 - “Use Fixed IP Address” (DHCP Reservation) Doesn't Take Effect. [Thread Closed]
Update as of Jan 30th 2023: Thank you all for your feedback on this forum to let us know that the DHCP issues are still existed, and more importantly, thanks for our loyal users who worked with our su
Requests & Suggestions
2021-08-12 11:45:07
Request Feature : Voucher Ticket / Time Stacking
I've posted a similar request before, hoping that this kind of feature will be added someday. It would be great if the vouchers can be stacked, and by stacking I mean multiple voucher tickets with the
Requests & Suggestions
2021-03-25 02:25:34
[REQUEST] Please add Voucher Code in the "Authorized Client List" file
Please include "Voucher Code" in the "Authorized Client List" same with the "Authorized By" column in the "Hotspot Manager" when exporting a file in "Site Settings > Services > Export Data. This will
Requests & Suggestions
2021-01-11 11:30:21
Exporting "Past Guest Authorization" Data
Is there a way to export the "Past Guest Authorization" data as CSV or other format? Or is there a way to access the local database created by the Omada Controller Software for Windows? I know my way
Pharos Wireless Bridges
2021-08-03 14:27:30
Which better setup Router Mode or AP-Client Setup?
I dont have issues on connectivity, both setup Question: 1. Which is much better setup, Connection 1 or Connection 2 2. I love the Router Mode, coz i can control the bandwidth, which is preferable, on
Pharos Wireless Bridges
2021-05-24 12:09:40
Internet Speed both CPE 510
Im using Both CPE 510 AP and Client Mode AP Mode Client Mode base station will get 100 Mbps but client would only get 40Mbps-10Mbps why, my SNR has 54 db ty for any clarification or answers