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Forums/ Deco
2025-01-04 07:17:17
Re:IOT devices keep disconnecting from my TP Link Deco X50 network
I have the same issue. Deco X50 network with around 20 normal devices and around 40 IoT devices in the IoT network. Only up to a max. of 10 IoT devices are shown in the Deco app (screenshot attached)...
Forums/ Deco
2024-01-08 12:53:52
Re:Deco X20 goes bonkers with 4th Mesh
So the X20 seems a outdated device then...?
Forums/ Deco
2023-12-27 11:44:30
Re:Deco X20 goes bonkers with 4th Mesh it seems not-daisychaining is the key. If I set up automatically I have mentioned errors and flaws and a not usable WiFi If I setup all Meshes connecting to the main-Mesh, no problems. @TP-Link...
Forums/ Deco
2023-12-26 15:00:37
Re:Deco X20 goes bonkers with 4th Mesh
Anybody uses this system with more than 3 Meshes?
Forums/ Deco
2023-12-22 15:35:12
Deco X20 goes bonkers with 4th Mesh
Hello I have a set of 3 pcs X20 Decos in my house. All working with Fiber 250 MBits - using WPA3 and Dual band. For ~50 IoT devices I am using the special IoT network with WPA2 and 2.4Ghz. Around 100...
Forums/ Deco
2023-10-31 07:17:10
Re:Deco X20 slow WiFi hand-over when moving between 3 meshes
Hello Its mostly iPhones. 13 and 14 models. All on iOS 17. Was working with P9 as mentioned. The time between a handover can go up to a minute, sometimes I have to disable and reenable Wifi on the...